What are the health benefits of taking Super Maqui Plus?
Super Maqui Plus™ provides the body with much-needed antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and regulates its metabolism. This helps the body prevent diseases by neutralizing free-radicals, helps with digestion and weight-loss, and even provides the skin with anti-aging benefits that it craves, which protect it from UVB radiation! There is really no end to the benefits this simple, yet powerful extract can do for you.
What is a Maqui Berry?
Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) is a native berry that only grows in the wild forest of the South of Chile. Using the unique climate, the deep purple, dry tasting maqui berry developed to contain benefits that are highly desirable. It’s considered to be a superfruit, as it contains the most antioxidant value of any known fruit - 9 times that of the goji berry. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory and even aids with regulating your metabolism! It works wonders on skin, helps prevent your body from developing various diseases, and keeps your immune and dietary systems working like well-oiled machines!
How is Super Maqui Plus™ made?
Using wild maqui berries harvested by hand and a patented, standardized extraction process! The production of Super Maqui Plus is compliant with GMP standards to ensure a consistently high-quality product. We take this extract and measure out the most effective doses for you so you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’re having too much or too little.
What makes Super Maqui Plus™ Organic?
Super Maqui Plus™ is made from wild maqui berries that were harvested by hand in southern Chile. There are no pesticides, nothing artificial in the soil, and no other treatments done to the plants. Nature does all the work as maqui benefits greatly from the rich Chilean soils and unique climate between the Andes Mountains and the Humboldt Current. We ensure that the berries we use are of the highest quality, and when it comes to the maqui berry, harvesting it from its native environment provides far more nutritional benefit than growing it on a conventional farm. Sourcing wild, organic berries is the secret to Super Maqui Plus’ strength.
Where is Super Maqui Plus™ sourced from?
We use wild maqui berries that are harvested by hand in southern Chilean forests found around the Andes Mountains. These are where the highest quality and most nutritious maqui berries can be found and they’re picked using highly effective, environmentally friendly techniques. The unique climate allows for plants and fruits to contain 30-40% more health-bearing molecules than similar plants grown elsewhere. The extract itself is made in Germany, where the maqui berries are processed and packaged.
Can I drink Super Maqui Plus™ with anything other than water?
Of course! Super Maqui Plus™ with Delphinol® is highly soluble. Drink it with any hot or cold beverage. You can also open up the capsule and stir or blend the contents into your favourite juice, smoothie, or elixir.
What is Delphinol®?
It’s a world-class, standardized maqui berry extract, made from organic, wild Chilean berries and produced by Anklam in Germany. Delphinol® contains anthocyanins, an incredibly beneficial antioxidant, and has the highest concentration levels of it available on the market. It’s also created using a patented extraction process under the MNL Group (US 14/067,066) and coherence using GMP (Good Manufacture Procedures) to ensure that the product is both consistent and of unmatchable quality.
What is an anthocyanin?
An anthocyanin is part of a water-soluble molecule family called flavonoids. It dictates the pigment of a leaf, root, or, in maqui’s case, fruit/berry. They’re known to be contain various antioxidant components, which help determine the colour of the pigment. In the maqui berry, the anthocyanin that is most prominent is delphinidin, giving the berry a deep purple hue.
What is a delphinidin?
It’s an anthocyanin that contains many health benefits. Most notably, it acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even regulator of metabolism. Delphinidin is the anthocyanin that is responsible for Maqui’s deep purple hue, anti-aging power, and digestive aid. This is where Super Maqui Plus™ gets all of its amazing benefits!
What are the skin benefits of Super Maqui Plus™?
Super Maqui Plus™ has been clinically proven to prevent inflammation associated with eczema or psoriasis flare-ups. It has also shown to protect fibroblasts, the connective tissues that produces collagen, from harmful UV sun damage, preventing fine lines and wrinkles.
Is Super Maqui Plus™ safe to take while pregnant?
Super Maqui Plus™ GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) Certified; however, please consult your physician first.
How much Super Maqui Plus™ should I take a day?
If you are taking Super Maqui Plus for dry eyes, 1 capsule or 100 mg a day is enough. If you are taking it to stabilize sugar metabolism, prevent inflammation, or for cardiovascular health, we suggest taking 2 capsules or 200 mg 10 min before eating.
Is Super Maqui Plus™ vegan?
Of course! We’ve made sure every part of our nutrient-rich extract is vegan. We don’t use any fillers or animal products at all.
Is Super Maqui Plus™ gluten-free?
Indeed it is! Super Maqui Plus™ doesn’t contain any fillers, just a standardized berry extract.